
    Transforming leaders, teams and organizations to fully engage in the transition towards a regenerative economy

  • In front of the major meta-crisis we are facing, reaching at the same time ecological, social and climate change dimensions, a radical shift is needed.


    Companies do have the power to take up the challenge of transitioning towards a regenerative economy. The scope of the task requires a reinvented, conscious and bold leadership .

    In order to succeed such a deep, complex and urgent transformation we need to lift all resistance, innovate and federate all stakeholders.


    The human element is at the heart of this transformation, it is our conviction !


    Seedlings supports leaders and their teams to reinvent their business models, practices and impact on their ecosystems. Together we create the conditions for profound change.

    Our proposal

    If you share the same belief and wish to put your company in motion,

    Contact us !



  • Our core beliefs




    Putting the human element at the heart and reconnecting to the wisdom of living systems to initiate the profound transformation of companies.

    Why accelerate the transformation to a regenerative economy?


    Reducing our impacts is not enough. A major transformation of our economic models is necessary: it is urgent to accelerate the transition to a regenerative economy.

    The regenerative company differs from the sustainable company whose ambition is limited to improving its ecological and social footprint, and which fails to decouple growth and impact.

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    Why put the human element at the heart?

    Changing business models and reducing negative externalities is good, mobilizing the intelligence of the heart and freeing up energy is even better.

    The regenerative economy is also about regenerating human connections: connection to ourselves through better alignment with our values and deepest beliefs, connection to others through resonance and better value sharing, stronger cooperation and greater solidarity and connection to our environment.

    Our ambition is to reinforce the desire and capacity to act by integrating all aspects of the human dimension of the company, so that it can be the lever of a deep and lasting transformation.



    Why reconnect to the wisdom of living systems?

    Understanding the transition in a systemic way calls for questioning our relationship to the world in order to go beyond a model of civilization based on extraction and exploitation.

    Reconnecting to life and living systems means understanding the challenges of overcoming planetary boundaries of course, but it also means rediscovering our capacity for wonder, understanding our intrinsic dependence on nature, recognizing precious ecosystems, observing the principles of cooperation and interdependence and being inspired by them.


    The regenerative economy is also about transforming companies towards business models that create the conditions for the flourishing of living systems.
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  • Our team



    We are a team of professional coaches, consultants and facilitators, engaged in the ecological transition and experienced in supporting the transformation of complex systems.


    Seedlings emerged as a result of the encounter of women and men who wanted to join forces and put their expertise in individual coaching, team and organizational coaching in service of the socio-ecological transformation of companies.


    A purpose-driven organization, Seedlings was born under the impulse of Andra, Monique and Emmanuelle, 3 committed women convinced that it is through people that transitions are truly transformative and aspirational, driven by the desire to team up in the face of the magnitude of the task ahead.


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    25+ years experience in consulting and coaching, Coach at the Convention of Entreprises for Climate, Founder of the Climate Coaching Alliance Francophone

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    20+ years executive experience in large multinational groups, 10 years of coaching experience

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    Engineer, 20+ years experience in sustainable development, former CEO of Quantis

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    10 years experience in CSR and sustainable innovation in a large international group, 5 years experience in coaching and consulting for ecological transitions, Coach at the Convention of Entreprises for Climate

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    Significant leadership experience in large multinational groups, Coach at the Convention of Entreprises for Climate, Co-lead of the Climate Coaching Alliance Francophone

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    25+ years experience in start-ups and multinational groups to support strategic transformation through innovation

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    25+ years experience in relational and collective intelligence and diversity management


  • Our proposal



    We redesign the support pathway for the transition to a regenerative economy



    How can we co- create the conditions for transformation for our clients as eco-systemic partners?


    Systemic coaching of leaders and teams enables them to deploy and sustain their commitment throughout the change process, while creating a generative and supportive field of collective resonance.

    The enquiry mode and deep presencing create the conditions for the emergence, co-construction and ownership of innovative pathways and solutions.

    The safe space and foundation of trust favor deep and authentic exchanges to share convictions and desires as leaders, employees but also as citizens, consumers and parents.

    The head-heart-body approach allows us to mobilize all our intelligences: the head for a cognitive understanding of the issues, the heart for integrating emotions and aligning to values, the body for moving to action.

    Stimulating coaching creates the conditions to liberate energy, empower and drive change, true catalyst for sustainable action.
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    A systemic approach to deploy shared value with your stakeholders

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    A hybrid posture that blends coaching, consulting and expertise

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    A specific transition roadmap for your particular context and challenges

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    A holistic know-how that combines planetary boundaries sciences, business & strategy and focus on the human element

  • Our pathway


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    Exploring your challenges to support a shift in perspectives


    We identify together the core ambitions of your transition. Thanks to a systemic analysis of your socio-ecological issues and a series of deep listening interviews with key stakeholders, we help reveal your core assets and challenges, identify potential blind spots and clarify the human elements to drive sustainable transformation.


    Building the transformation pathway to mobilize your teams


    We clarify and select together the key players and change champions, the steps, the timeline and related budgets, as well as the key success factors and the points of vigilance.
    We make sure we hear all the voices in the system by taking into account their capacity for action and deep impact through awareness of capabilities, blockers and impulses.


    Rolling out the transformation pathway to move to action


    We implement together the tailor-made designed pathway through team coaching, skills development workshops, leadership seminars, individual coaching engagements, collective intelligence sessions, innovation labs or outdoors inspir-action sessions. Our hybrid and holistic approach creates a space of safety, trust and collaborative learning that triggers action.


    Ensuring autonomy and empowerment to sustain the change


    We jointly consolidate the regenerative transition roadmap by deploying co-development, peer consulting and mentoring practices. We constantly integrate new emergent insights in terms of governance, processes, practices and leadership and hold a systemic lens.


    Throughout the process, we encourage deep listening and emergence


    We experiment and adjust along the way through an iterative process, in line with the challenges of a radical and complex regenerative transition.




  • How we do it


  • Our 5 guiding principles

    • Challenging to raise awareness and spark the shift


    • Taking care of all parts of the system and their interdependence


    • Setting in motion by stimulating concrete actions


    • Securing the process to encourage openness and creativity


    • Spreading a joyful energy as an enabler of motivation and enthusiasm

  • Views and Insights



    Some further reflections, learnings and ideas drawn from our experience

    Auteur : Emmanuelle Aoustin Seedlings, a mission-driven organization Seedlings is a “Mission...
    Author : Emmanuelle Aoustin, Ilustration : Florent Duchêne Businesses have a major role to play...
    24 de marzo de 2023 · EVENEMENTS
    Author: Monique Cumin, illustrations: Florent Duchêne The IPCC synthesis published March 20th...
    Authors: Armelle Stoltz, Andra Morosi et Emmanuelle Aoustin “Ecological transformation: what...
    Author : Emmanuelle Aoustin   Daring to have deep conversations to accelerate the...
    Author: the Seedlings team What if the ecological transition of business was above all a human...
    Authors: Loïc Delcros, Emmanuelle Katz and Andra Morosi 3.8 billion years of life on Earth. 3.8...
    Authors : Monique Cumin et Florent Duchêne “We are on a road to climate hell with our foot on...
    Authors: Monique Cumin and Armelle Stoltz Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, is often...
  • Contact us


    If you resonate with our ambition and want to set your company in motion, get in touch and let's find a moment to exchange.